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Twelve Days of Christmas

By Trish Briggs

I remember as a child singing the “Twelve Days of Christmas” in grammar school and thinking, 'that sure is a lot of gifts to receive for Christmas!' I assumed the song was referencing the twelve days before Christmas with the final gift arriving on the Christmas day. In my mind, it was something like a countdown until Christmas - similar in some ways to an Advent Calendar.

Last year, I decided to do a little research into the meaning of the Twelve Days of Christmas after watching a holiday show that focused on this song. What I believed to be the twelve days of Christmas was totally wrong. When I asked around, I discovered that most other people had the same impression that I had. So, I wanted to share with you this year the meaning behind the song, Twelve Days of Christmas.

The official countdown does not start until the birth of Christ, on Christmas day, December 25th, and ends 12 days later, with the arrival of the three Magi (wisemen) on January 6th. January 6th is called the Epiphany, or as my mother would call it the final day of Christmas. Every year our Christmas tree remained up until January 7th when my mother considered the Christmas season truly over. I have carried on the tradition without fully understanding its significance. I knew the tree was up until the Epiphany but never knew we were celebrating the twelve days of Christmas. This information was an epiphany for me (a moment of sudden insight or revelation- ha ha).

The summarized symbolism of the gifts of the Twelve Days of Christmas:


One Partridge in Pear Tree represents Jesus. A partridge will die to protect family.

Two Turtle Doves represents old and new testaments.

Three French Horns represents faith, hope, and love or the Holy Trinity.

Four Calling Birds represents the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Five Gold Rings represents the Torah: first five books of Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy).

Six Geese a Laying represents six days of creation: Day 1- heavens & Earth, Day 2- sky & seas, Day 3- land & plants, Day 4- Sun, moon, stars, Day 5- fish & Birds, Day 6- land, animals, and man.

Seven Swans a Swimming represents seven gifts of Holy Spirit: prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, leading, and compassion.

Eight Maids a Milking represents eight beatitudes.

Nine Ladies Dancing represents nine fruits of spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self -control. 

Ten Lords a Leaping represents the ten commandments.

Eleven Pipers Piping represents the 11 faithful disciples: Simon (Peter), Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Simon, Judas, Matthias.

Twelve Drummers Drumming represents twelve points of doctrine of the Apostle Creed.

These seventy-eight gifts represent Jesus’ lifetime legacy (and his father’s). It is a lot of gifts - that I had right! 

Enjoy your Christmas, New Year, and the Twelve days of Christmas this year!

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1 Comment

Dec 23, 2024

This is so neat I also had the same thought about the song and it being a count down to Christmas. I saw another variation of this the other day for the celebration of yule as well and what each day for weather it be giving thanks mourning reflecting and other things. Its intresting to see the parallels.

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